PropTech Finding A Place – Follow on Crowdfunding Raise

PropTech Finding A Place – Follow on Crowdfunding Raise

When PropTech Finding A Place returned to Seedrs in 2023 for a 2nd round of crowdfunding to accelerate their growth, they knew that one of the keys was going to be a great video.

Fortunately they came to the crowdfunding video experts at Mabinogi Productions to get the job done quickly, efficiently and at the right price.

What was interesting about our initial discussions regarding the video, was just unhappy they were with their experience making their first video with a BIG LONDON AGENCY that didn’t specialise in equity crowdfunding video production.

The team at FaP were literally scarred by the experience, telling us of dozens of takes, huge crews, wonky equipment and most shockingly a complete ignorance of Seedrs policies in regards to due diligence and delivery. What made it even worse was the price tag…. £12,000!

Well we are happy to say that coming to Mabinogi Production for their 2nd Round Crowdfunding video was the absolute best decision they could have made. In addition to producing the videos (4 in total) for a reasonable £5,000 – 50% of which we deferred until after they successfully raised – we also promised them that they would actually have fun!

And you know what? They did have fun. We all did, just like we aim to do on every shoot. Because at the end of the day, making a pitch video shouldn’t be a chore, it should instead be a chance to express your passion, vision and belief in your product, team and mission. It’s a performance and if done well, you should finish your day like a Musician walking off a stage after a good show. You’ll be tired but oh so satisfied in what you accomplished by putting yourself out there and giving it your all.

See the full Seedrs Investor Pitch Video that they used in their campaign below:

  • Date September 27, 2023
  • Tags Aerial Cinematography, Corporate Promo, Crowdcube, Crowdfunding, Investment Pitch, SEEDRS